Disability & Tech? YES IT'S POSSIBLE!

You have been told that with a disability it is impossible to be web developer. I show you NOW through this article that this is WRONG.

The Day When Everything Changes...

September 2017, as I leave for a simple eye check, or so I thought. I didn't expected what I was going to hear.

The doctor tells me that I have an eye disease called keratoconus.

I left the room confused, as I was on my way home I was crying. Not realizing what is happening to me.

Months go by, the disease is still present in my life. I learn to know the pathology that I have. I go to a special hospital to check the evolution of the disease.

The doctor tells me that I am seriously affected by the advanced stage of keratoconus and that my left eye is at 0/10 and the right eye is at 4/10. Then I fall down naked I remained speechless face tensed.

3 months later, the disease has evolved very fast leading to a progressive decline of my sight. To prevent me from losing the sight in my right eye, I underwent an operation called cross-linking, which aims to slow down the disease.


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Keratoconus is a deformation of the cornea (the transparent coating of the iris and the pupil of the eye) which progressively thins, loses its spherical shape and takes the form of an irregular cone. It causes vision problems. It generally affects both eyes but not with the same severity.

I'll drop you a link:


And what about the treatments?

There are many treatments, but here I will tell you about my experience.

I can almost hear you say: why don't you wear glasses? The problem is that glasses do not correct with this disease, because it evolves quickly. I had to wear 2 glasses.

I first had a laser operation on my right eye to stop the disease, so that I would not become blind if I can say that word.

Then I tried contact lenses, at the beginning it worked but with time it didn't suit me anymore. The lenses fell out every time. What you have to know is that they are rigid lenses so it's painful.

Imagine for a moment the feeling of having sand in my eyes.

Another solution as treatment is the transplant.

Click on this link to learn more about the different treatments:


Beginning of my project then stopping

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The hardest part to write for me.

To have projects and a rare disease is complicated, because it is necessary to see if it is still possible to exercise this project, to look at the material to have etc...

In my case, I need an enlargement software.

To be transparent with you, I used to look at what visually impaired people did for a living, I thought: is it possible to do my projects? I have read dozens of articles on this subject.

One day, a woman doctor told me that I should put my studies aside and concentrate on the disease. Guess what I did? I listened to what she said. BIG MISTAKE.

After months of doing nothing and thinking about it, I decided to start a project I had always wanted to do, which was to become a web writer/community manager. So I train and discover the job at the same time.

I found a school that suited me. Everything was in place for my handicap, I will have enough to follow the course.

It didn't work out, you must be wondering why? Here is the reason...

BAD NEWS: my eyesight is failing, I stop this project and finally tell myself that it is not the time. Because I believe that there is a time for everything.

Back to square one.

And after....

After years, I can say that I have lived through many ups and downs with this disease.

It is not easy, because I said to myself, "What can I do with this disability? Can I work?

Yes, I am visually impaired, I have to adapt myself in some situations, but I don't want this to become a hindrance for my future.

As I said in my previous article, I started as an autodidact learning programming.

Do not miss this article: code-and-shine.hashnode.dev/how-i-became-a-..

Today, I'm evolving towards new projects, while writing has always been my passion. I want to become a content manager or content writer. While conciliating my code learning because I love it!!! β™₯

Who knows one day I could be a Content Developer πŸ€”

Now I'm a self-taught web developer, newbie content creator, technical writer... And to think she was telling me I should put my studies aside. I'm proud that I stepped out of my comfort zone, it wasn't easy but I did it.

I took a test and I was accepted to the school! :)

To finish

I would like to tell you that you who have a handicap not to give up, you can realize your dream.

Yes, it will not be easy, you will have to adapt yourself, that's normal.

Don't listen to people who say that you won't be able to study.

March 2022 I'm getting my freecodecamp certification being visually impaired.





You are probably wondering how a person with keratoconus looks like. Here are the pictures:

CLICK HERE to see what it looks like:



You can now imagine what I see when I code.


  • Go to forums that talk about your disability
  • Surround yourself with good people
  • Don't give up on your dreams
  • Have confidence in yourself
  • Take your time
  • Don't be alone

Tell me if you have a disability or know someone in the same situation. Leave me a comment. You can change their life just by sharing my story.

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